

Michael Epstein




The documentary tells the untold story of John Lennon's iconic Imagine album. It's also a story about Yoko meeting John and East meeting West. Two artistic minds connecting and inspiring each other both personally and professionally, ultimately co-authoring a radical worldview. Director Michael Epstein gained access to the extensive Lennon video, audio and photo archive, including much previously unseen material, and the film features never before seen or heard footage such as the first demo of Imagine (discovered by their audio archivist in an unmarked eight-track box) as well as unheard audio interviews with John and film footage of the couple working together in the studio. The film also features new interviews with those closest to the couple during the period of creating the Imagine album.

这部纪录片讲述了约翰·列侬的标志性专辑《想象》的不为人知的故事这也是一个关于洋子遇见约翰和东方遇见西方的故事两个艺术头脑在个人和专业上相互联系和激励,最终共同创作了一个激进的世界观。导演迈克尔·爱泼斯坦(Michael Epstein)获得了大量列侬视频、音频和照片档案,其中包括许多以前看不见的资料,这部电影的特点是从未见过或听到过的片段,比如第一个试镜《想象》(由他们的音频档案管理员在一个没有标记的八轨盒里发现)以及对约翰的从未听过的音频采访和这对夫妇在录音室一起工作的电影片段这部电影还特别介绍了在制作《想象》专辑期间对这对夫妇最亲近的人的新采访。

《列侬和洋子:仅限于天空》是由Michael Epstein导演于2018拍摄完成于英国,主要参演演员有小野洋子,朱利安·列侬,大卫·贝利,克劳斯·沃尔曼等。本作品目前在本站共有 17 条播放线路,由 9 家资源方提供,墨点影视仅对资源链接进行收集归纳,敬请知悉。如果您喜欢墨点影视,还请分享给身边的朋友,小点点十分感谢哟!

